Lawful Permanent Residence Victory
Daniel Jackson, Esq., immigration staff attorney, saved the lawful permanent residence status of a young man from Utica, NY. The man had been admitted to the U.S. at the age of eight as a refugee. He had suffered a great deal of trauma during his childhood in his native country, which included a 12-year separation from his parents. He was placed into removal proceedings for a few petit larceny convictions he foolishly incurred in his late teens. Current U.S. policies prioritize the detention and deportation of all non-citizens who commit crimes because they are allegedly a danger to our communities. VLP is proud to represent permanent residents in removal proceedings who have established strong ties to the U.S. This includes those who immigrated in childhood, have citizen spouses and children, are working to support their families and paying taxes. Unfortunately, some of these individuals committed a crime in the past (often nonviolent) but have served their time, are remorseful and have rehabilitated. This is one of those cases where Immigration Court believed he deserved a second chance.