438 Main Street l 7th Floor l Buffalo, NY
(716) 847-0662


Welcome to
VLP’s Annual  Fundraising Campaign

Dear Friends of VLP,
We ask you to help us continue our mission, to stand up for our community members, and to speak for those who are not heard. At VLP, we give a voice to victims of human trafficking and domestic violence. We assist refugees fleeing torture and persecution. Our work benefits clients facing family court issues, matrimonial issues, eviction, and bankruptcy. We could not do this important work without support from donors like you. Here is a sample of the life-changing work we have done this past year:

Asylum: Our client and her husband were members of the Indigenous People of Biafra group in Nigeria peacefully seeking independence. They were both wrongfully arrested and beaten by Nigerian government. Our client was blinded in one eye because of the beatings. We won their asylum case in court and now have been granted her Green Card. This couple can now start their lives in the United States.
Family Law: Our client was seeking guardianship of her son’s friend who came to live with them after her parents had each kicked her out of their respective homes. The parents were verbally and emotionally abusive to the child and the child also had signs of medical neglect. We got a Temporary Order enabling client to assist child in obtaining necessary medical treatment and enrolled in counseling. Respondent’s Dad ultimately consented to the Order of Guardianship while Respondent’s Mom never participated in the proceedings and defaulted. Final Order of Guardianship of the Person until the child reaches 18 was entered. This child can sleep easy knowing that they have a family who will care for them.
Divorce: Our client lived through almost 20 years of domestic violence and abuse. Her husband avoided and dragged-out litigation for years. We took over the case from private counsel, obtained temporary relief by imputing income to defendant, diligently kept track of our information and discovery demands from him, and before trial obtained an order precluding him from putting on a case or objecting to ours, forcing him into and advantageous settlement for the client. The husband gave up custody and access to his daughter whom he had ignored for years, and we obtained a judgment for $20,000 and $7,800/year in support. This client can now restart her life free from her abuser.
Your generous financial support will help us to further our important mission. 94% of every dollar donated goes directly to the services we provide. For many of you this means continuing a long history of giving, for which we are very grateful. For those who have not provided financial support in the past, there has never been a better time to make a commitment to VLP with a donation this year.

Thank you to all who have supported our important work over the years with your time, expertise, and kind donations. You have improved the lives of countless Western New Yorkers, furthered the highest goals of our profession, and embraced VLP’s mission.

Thank you,
Gretchen Gonzalez
CEO/Executive Director


Thank you for everything you do.

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