Volunteer Resources
To be added to our list of attorneys willing to take cases:
Please fill out this form or contact Maria Valeri: mvaleri@ecbavlp.com Ext. 321
Current volunteers with questions/concerns or to update your information:
Please contact Maria Valeri: mvaleri@ecbavlp.com Ext. 321
To volunteer with the Family Court Help Desk:
Please contact Kris Sigeti: ksigeti@ecbavlp.com Ext. 305
To volunteer with Attorney of the Morning (L/T):
Please contact Heather Kowalski
hkowalski@ecbavlp.com Ext. 353

WNY Lawyers have a proud history of service to others. They embody the occupational goal by (Rule 6.1 of NY Rules of Provisional Conduct) donating fifty or more hours of free legal services to low-income people. They generously contribute to our regions legal services organizations.
At VLP over 2,000 attorneys have volunteered their legal expertise to our clients. We are grateful to our volunteer attorneys. It is a wonderful and rewarding experience to help those in need.