438 Main Street l 7th Floor l Buffalo, NY
(716) 847-0662

2023 Donors


VLP needs your help more than ever.

The law firms and individual lawyers list below have been instrumental in supporting and financially contributing to VLP in the past year. Thank you so much!


Benefactor Level Supporters

Partner Level Supporters

Diamond Level Supporters

Platnium Level Supporters

John E. Ballow

Raymond McCabe

Robert Conklin

Gold Level Supports

Richards and Jurusik, LLP
Paul Buchanan

Brian Welsh
Elaina Monte

Arthur and Audrey Russ
Rupp Pfalzgraf LLC

Click Here For Complete List of 2022 Donors

VLP would also like to thank the approximately 1,000 Lawyers and judges who made financial contributions through the Bar Association of Erie County Dues Check-Off. Thank You. Your Support does make a difference.

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